Filming Southampton Pride Festival
For the Southampton Pride Festival, I was lucky enough to be a camera operator. For this day I had to film the festival for the organiser’s.
Our footage was used to play on the big screens throughout the day as highlights and used as promotional videos. My specific aim for the Pride Festival was to capture the start and end of the parade. To make the parade easier to film and to prevent us from getting caught up we decided to arrange ourselves into different areas of the route.
Filming at the pride festival gave me an opportunity to use a different camera, meaning I am now trained on 4 different cameras to film. I had to learn how to use the camera on the spot, this had made me nervous at first but once I eventually figured it out it was relatively easy.
Throughout the festival I was able to film various different artists, acts and crowds. This was a good experience to film in a fun promotional way rather than a serious journalist way. The most difficult part of filming Southampton Pride was because the sun was so bright that I couldn’t actually see what I was filming.